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Highlighting vs. Notetaking

Question: I'm in college and wondering if it's smarter to write notes on what I read in textbooks or handouts or simply highlight important information in the actual textbook or handout when trying to learn the material for a future test. What are the pros and cons of each? -- Uncertain
       Answer: Either highlighting directly or taking notes on material can prepare you to take tests covering information you need to know. Only you can decide which method helps you review and learn the material most effectively.
       The Pros of Highlighting:

Skills Builders

Skill builders develop and enhance children's reading, math and study skills -- leading to greater success in school.  Learn more >

Learning Activities

Children will have  fun keeping their basic skills sharp with these activities and games. Great for summer enrichment! Learn more >

Helpful Websites

Need additional resources? Check out our list of websites which provide helpful information for parents on a wide variety of educational topics. View our list >

Find Your Child's Reading Level

Check out how well your child can read by using the San Diego Quick Assessment found on the next 3 pages. You will quickly be able to gauge your child's reading ability. More >