Question: Where can I find out what the Common Core standards require children to learn at different grade levels? -- Seeking Information
Answer: You are wise to want to learn more about the Common Core standards, as much misinformation about them exists. First of all, they are educational standards only for English language arts (ELA)/literacy and mathematics in grades K-12. These standards do not dictate how teachers should teach these subjects; this is determined by teachers and their schools.
The purpose of the standards is to get every child in grades K through 12 ready for college and the workforce. The standards tell exactly what essential knowledge and skills students should have acquired at the end of each grade level no matter where they live.
It is important to understand that these standards were a multi-state effort that was coordinated by the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers. Keep in mind that it is not mandatory for states to adopt these standards; however, they are becoming part of many new textbooks and standardized assessment tests.
There is a lot of information online about the Common Core. Visit for a great overall picture of the standards. On this website, you will learn how the standards were developed, find out their importance to your child, and be able to read the standards for each grade level. There are also sections on myths and facts about the Common Core, as well as frequently asked questions. If you have general inquiries after looking at all this information, you can send them to
Once you have the general picture about the Common Core, you should visit your own state's website to learn about its state-specific implementation efforts. You can find this information by searching on your own state's page for "Common Core Standards."