Successful Balance between School and Activities

Question: My elementary school children are involved in at least one after-school sports team throughout the year. Their grades are OK, and they absolutely love the sports that they play. Does this mean they have a good balance between extracurricular activities and academics? -- For Balance

Answer: They probably have a good balance. However, to ensure that they keep a good balance, there are things that you as their parents can do to help them keep this balance.

  1. Make sure your children have solid time-management skills so they are able to not only participate in sports but also have time to get all their homework done.
  2. Don't put all your attention on their sports activities and all that is involved, from practices to games. Instead, put an equal amount of time into talking about and going over their schoolwork with them. This will help them remember the importance of academics in their lives and keep their sports activities from taking too big a role.
  3. Make sure your children understand they must continue to earn good grades to continue with their extracurricular activities. Do provide any necessary academic help.