Parent and Teacher Don't See Eye to Eye

Question: It's conference time at my son's elementary school; however, I'd just as soon skip the whole thing since I simply can't get along with his teacher. I have a background in education and disagree with many of the things that are going on in the classroom. If I go, how should I handle it? - Disagreeing

Answer: Go to the conference with a positive attitude, and try to establish a working relationship with the teacher. Your child's education is too important for you and his teacher to have an antagonistic relationship. Besides, you need to know exactly how he is doing in school. Here are some tips that might help you get along better with his teacher:

  1. Ask the teacher if you can avoid involving your son in your differences.
  2. Be willing to work with the teacher in finding areas of agreement on how you both can help your child succeed in school.
  3. If you have done anything to offend this teacher, be sure to offer a sincere apology.
  4. Try to be open-minded about the differences you have with this teacher, and listen to his or her views.
  5. Look for positive things that this teacher has done for your son.

If you firmly believe that you and this teacher will be unable to have a worthwhile conference, consider having a family member accompany you or go in your place. Another possibility is to ask an administrator or counselor to sit in on the conference. Above all else, do not involve your child in this conflict. And make it your policy not to criticize the teacher in his presence.