Child Getting a Poor Start at School

Question: I am quite upset because my son is not getting a good start in school. His first-grade classroom is very crowded, and the teacher simply does not have the time to give the children the individual attention they need. A few of us have written letters to the principal, but it hasn't changed anything. What can we do to improve this situation? - Upset

Answer: Just because you child is in a large classroom, don't automatically assume that he is getting a poor education. While class size is important, and most states are now reducing the size of classes in the primary grades, the issue of teacher quality is also very important. The best situation definitely is a small class with a teacher who truly knows what he or she is doing.

Call your State Department of Education and find out exactly how many children can be instructed in a first-grade classroom. Then you will definitely know if your son's school is abiding by the regulations.

It is far better for you and the other parents to meet with the principal and express your concerns than to write letters. It is the only way to have a good back-and-forth discussion. If the class has to remain large, be sure to bring up the possibilities of hired or parent volunteer aids to make sure each student gets sufficient attention.