Chain of Command for School Personnel

Question: When my child has a problem at school, I need to know who I should contact. -- Seeking School Etiquette

Answer: In elementary school always start with the classroom teacher. In middle school and high school, the teacher is once again the best starting point for academic problems. For emotional and social problems, a school counselor might be the better choice for finding the help your child needs. For attendance and disciplinary problems, especially at the high-school level, the deans might be the individuals to consult first.

At all school levels, follow the chain of command. Consult with the principal only when teachers, counselors and deans have not satisfactorily resolved a problem. Only in rare circumstances should you need to involve the superintendent in resolving a problem.

Be sure to approach a problem calmly. Write a note or call to talk about a problem and then arrange for an appointment, if necessary. Don't just barge in and expect school personnel to stop what they are doing to help you.