Appropriate Clothing for School

Question: I constantly have fights with my elementary-school children about what they want to wear to school. I think they dress like they're already in high school. How is a parent supposed to know what is appropriate and what is not? - Concerned

Answer: Don't ever forget that you have the right to say no to any outfit that you consider inappropriate for school. Plus, the final arbiter of what your children can actually wear is the school dress code. These dress codes typically prohibit such things as bare-midriff tops, obscene or vulgar T-shirts and low-hanging pants. If your children's school doesn't have a dress code, why don't you get together with other parents and request that it establish one? Both dress codes and school uniforms make it easier for parents to set limits on what their children can wear to school.

While elementary-school children want to dress like teen-agers, doing so can actually be harmful. According to a report from the National Association of Elementary School Principals, this type of attire pushes them toward inappropriate behaviors and attitudes at a time when they should be enjoying childhood. Here are some suggestions about how to limit clothing battles with your children:

  • Get together with the parents of your children's friends and see if you can establish some limits on what the kids can wear. This way your children will still be able to dress like their friends.
  • Limit your children's exposure to teen magazines and teen TV shows, as they sometimes promote sexy fashions.
  • Let your children have the opportunity to play dress-up at home and with friends, and to wear some teen outfits.