Finding Extra Help in Math

Question: Where is a good place for my son in fourth grade to get some extra help in math? He is already falling behind the other children in his class. -- Help

Answer: Work with the teacher in finding ways to help your child. Find out if the teacher offers before- or after-school help in math. It is best to accept help from the classroom teacher first. Also, the teacher is a good resource for finding tutors. In addition, the local high school, college or university may have reasonably priced or free tutoring done by their students.

You also can look online for the Khan Academy. Every class is free at Khan Academy. It is a not-for-profit organization where students can learn almost anything, including math. Many homeschooling parents and some private schools are using Khan Academy to teach their students. The website has more than 4,200 videos. The videos are instructional and could help your son improve his math skills.
