Question: I am wondering about when a good time is for young children to learn correct keyboarding skills. -- Concerned
Answer: Young children are using apps on iPhones, iPod Touches, iPads and other devices at a very young age. So children do enjoy touching a screen and seeing something happen. So, yes, keyboarding is definitely a skill that can be introduced to young children because it will come in handy when they go to school. In fact, many young children are now starting kindergarten and using an electronic device.
Typing is fast-moving just like playing a game once you have learned where the keys are located on the keyboard. Most young children are fast thinkers, and typing works well to encourage fast thinking. Also, there are free typing games on many sites where children can pick up typing skills.
Typing is definitely good for developing good eye-hand coordination and letter recognition for all young children. However, success in teaching typing skills to young children will vary because it is important that they have good motor coordination and that their finger span allows them to be able to touch-type. This does not usually occur until around age 6 or 7.